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apply(Object, Object, Object) - Method in interface in.eko.exprutils.interfaces.OperatorFunction


ExpressionParser - Class in in.eko.exprutils
This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on an expression represented as JSON Arrays.
ExpressionResult - Class in in.eko.exprutils.result
ExpressionResult() - Constructor for class in.eko.exprutils.result.ExpressionResult


generate(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, long) - Static method in class in.eko.exprutils.JWT
Generate JWT (token) with the given configuration.
generate(String, String, JSONObject, String, String, String, String, long) - Static method in class in.eko.exprutils.JWT
Generate JWT (token) with the given configuration.
get(String, String, String) - Static method in class in.eko.exprutils.JsonObj
Retrieve deep/nested value from a JSON Object.
get(JSONObject, String, String) - Static method in class in.eko.exprutils.JsonObj
Retrieve deep/nested value from a JSON Object.
getData() - Method in class in.eko.exprutils.result.ExpressionResult
getResult() - Method in class in.eko.exprutils.result.ExpressionResult


Hash - Class in in.eko.exprutils
This class consists exclusively of static methods that generate a cryptographic hash of the given string.


in.eko.exprutils - package in.eko.exprutils
in.eko.exprutils.interfaces - package in.eko.exprutils.interfaces
in.eko.exprutils.result - package in.eko.exprutils.result
interpolate(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class in.eko.exprutils.ExpressionParser
Interpolate/replace values of dollar-curly-brace-wrapped variables into a string.
isValidOperator(String) - Static method in class in.eko.exprutils.ExpressionParser
Check if an operator is supported by the expression parser.


JsonObj - Class in in.eko.exprutils
This class consists exclusively of static utility methods for processing JSON objects.
JWT - Class in in.eko.exprutils
JWT() - Constructor for class in.eko.exprutils.JWT


md5(String) - Static method in class in.eko.exprutils.Hash
Generate MD5 hash of a string


OperatorFunction - Interface in in.eko.exprutils.interfaces
Common interface for all operator functions


parse(String, String, String) - Static method in class in.eko.exprutils.JWT
Validates and parses a JWT (token).
parseExpression(String) - Static method in class in.eko.exprutils.ExpressionParser
Execute an expression provided as a JSON array.


set(String, String, Object) - Static method in class in.eko.exprutils.JsonObj
Set a key-value pair deep within a JSON Object.
setData(Map) - Method in class in.eko.exprutils.result.ExpressionResult
setResult(Object) - Method in class in.eko.exprutils.result.ExpressionResult
sha256(String) - Static method in class in.eko.exprutils.Hash
Generate SHA-256 hash of a string
sha512(String) - Static method in class in.eko.exprutils.Hash
Generate SHA-512 hash of a string
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